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Talking Tech: Comprehensive Guide to SuiteAnalytics Workbook

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Accordion’s “Talking Tech” series explores how different CFO Technology solutions can empower finance functions to support organizational strategic initiatives – by implementing business process recommendations, optimizing operations, and capitalizing on value creation opportunities.

Now, let’s take a look SuiteAnalytics Workbook in NetSuite.

What is SuiteAnalytics Workbook?

The SuiteAnalytics Workbook, a new NetSuite tool in beta, is an analytical tool allowing for complex workbooks to be created combining pivot tables, charts, and queries within the same tool. The workbook can perform multi-level joins, allows users to combine data from multiple record types including custom records, as well as support for formula fields, giving the ability to display fields with dynamic calculations. It is also based on a unified metadata layer ensuring consistent data across all elements of the workbook.

Key User Benefits

  • User-friendly interface allowing ease of use for the non-technical users
  • Multi-level joins
  • Workbook sharing
  • Formula Fields
  • Workbook Sharing
  • Pivot and Charting capabilities for Data Visualization
  • Based on Unified Metadata layer (UMD)
    • No longer discrepancies b/w data in saved searches and reporting that is experienced in the current solution
  • Ability Query workbook from SuiteScript

Enabling SuiteAnalytics Workbook in your Environment

  1. First, login to your NetSuite account with as an Administrator.
  2. Next, browse to Setup-> Company-> Enable Features. Select the ‘Analytics’ Tab
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the ‘SuiteAnalytics Workbook’ checkbox.
  4. You will be prompted to accept the terms of the NetSuite Beta program.
  5. Once accepted, Click Save.

Permissions for the tool

User Access

The ‘SuiteAnalytics Workbook’ permission will now be available to assign to custom roles. Once permission is added, users will have access to the feature. Most standard roles will already be provisioned with the feature. Once enabled, the menu option labeled ‘Analytics’ will appear.

Analytics Administrator

A new permission called Analytics Administrator is now available, allowing non-Administrator roles to manage the SuiteAnalytics Workbook feature. This permission is granted to the Administrator by default but can be added to non-Administrator roles as needed. The permissions allow the Analytics Administrator to manage any workbook of any user but does not change any data permissions and restrictions.

Creating a Workbook

Building your Data Table

  1. First, navigate to the Analytics dashboard and select ‘New Workbook’.
  2. You will land on the ‘Data’ tab that will show the default data fields for that specific record type.
  3. Additional fields can be added to the data grid by drag-and-drop or double-clicking on the desired field.
  4. Adding fields from a Related Record
    • click the ‘Join Records’ icon on the fields list header.
    • A pop-out window will display the available related records.
    • Select the field you would like to add to the data grid via double-click or drag-and-drop.
    • You can now join an additional record related to this record OR the root record.
    • This will allow users to build complex data tables that have not been previously possible with Saved Searches
    • Add formula fields to the data grid by selecting the ‘Formula Fields’ subtab.

Adding Formula Fields

  1. First, select the ‘Formula Fields’ subtab.
  2. Once you click the ‘New Formula’ button, the formula window will become available.

    From here you can name the field and input the formula expression of your liking. Fields from the root record as well any joined records will be available to enter into the formula field. *Any fields from joined records that you want to include in your formula need to be joined prior to creating your formula field.
  3. When your formula is complete, click the ‘Validate’ button.
  4. If there are no errors, click ‘Apply’ to add the formula field to the workbook.
  5. In the event that you want to remove a field, click the menu icon on the column you want to remove and select ‘Remove Column’. *Note: Practice caution when deleting columns. If you have workbooks already sourcing from the data table, removal of a column could result in workbook errors.
  6. Once your data table has been built, you are ready to filter your data by defining your criteria.
  7. When defining the filter conditions you will have up to 4 options for filtering the data, depending on the type of field.
    • Values: specific values from the source data.
    • Ranges/Date Ranges: range of values or dates from the source data.
    • Relative Conditions/Dates: conditions relative to today’s date.
    • Conditions/Specific Dates: specific value or date/date range
  8. Repeat these steps to add additional filters.
    • By default, additional filters are used using the AND operator but can be easily changed to the OR operator by clicking the operator and changing to your desired operator.

Pivot your data

  1. First, click on the ‘Pivot’ tab and drag your desired fields to your desired drop fields.
  2. Date and Numerical fields can be assigned a number of summary types and formats.
  3. Click the Totaling icon to add totals or grand totals to fields on the pivot table. In the event that there are multiple fields to be totaled, check the ‘Set Individually’ to select were the totals for each should be placed.
  4. Click the refresh button to generate the pivot table. You can optionally add in filters to the pivot by dragging the desired field into the filter drop area.

    In the filter window, select the desired values to filter. Click the refresh button again to update your table.

Chart your data

  1. First, click the ‘Chart’ tab to create your chart. Drag your desired fields to the desired drop fields.
  2. Date fields can be grouped by specified date hierarchy or display the actual date.
  3. In the layout subtab, select the type of chart you would like to use by clicking the drop-down menu.
  4. Next, hit the refresh button to display your chart.
  5. Once completed to your satisfaction, you can save the workbook for 1-click use in the future. Your data table, pivots, and charts will all be saved. Click the menu icon on the top left of the page and select ‘Save As’.
  6. Finally, if you would like to share the workbook with other users, simply click the menu icon on the top left of the page and select ‘Share Workbook’.


Meet the Author

Jared du Plooy
Jared du Plooy
Senior Director

Jared is a Senior Director with nearly a decade of experience in business process improvement and ERP solution design. As a solutions consultant, Jared has experience in optimizing the areas of operational accounting, revenue recognition, product costing, inventory management, manufacturing, and software contract management.  Read more

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